Curlew Lake State Park
8 miles north of Republic on SR 21
A relaxing, 123-acre campground park. It is near a fossil dig and an airfield.
Eagle Track Raceway
On Pendry Road just south of Republic on SR 21
Small-town, dirt-track racing.
Stonerose Interpretive Center
15-1 N. Kean Street
Adults $5, Children 6-18 $3, under 6 years $0
Near a rich collection of fossils, including the petrified flowers that give the museum its name. At a nearby fossil bed you can collect your own fossils.
Republic Historical Center
Next to the Stonerose Interpretive Center, 15-1 North Kean Street
Sometimes referred to as the "Ferry County Historical Museum".
Ranald MacDonald's Grave
18 miles northwest of Curlew Lake State Park on Mid Way Road
Ranald MacDonald was the first person to teach English in Japan. He has monuments to him in Japan.